Faith Formation

Holy Disciples Faith Formation Program 2024-2025

Hello and welcome to all the families who are part of the Holy Disciples parish and to those who may be considering joining the parish and our Faith Formation program!

Saint John Paul II once said “As the family goes, so goes the world” Following the prophetic voice and the leadership of a saint and our previous Pope, the Vision of our Faith Formation program is: To transform the
world one family at a time.

Meanwhile, the Mission: help parents respond to the Church’s call to be “the first and foremost educators of their faith” and help families grow in the transforming love of God by understanding and living the Catholic
Faith. (Gravissimum Educationis 3)

The Catholic Church is a treasure-chest of truth, goodness and beauty and it is founded by Christ himself. In the Catholic Church is where we encounter God in his Word, His sacraments, and in all the holy men and women of
God who have gone before us, as well as our fellow parishioners.

What a joy and privilege we have as Catholics to be able to share this treasure with the future generation as we serve you through our Faith Formation program!
Gintare Lopez
Director of Faith Formation

For more information email:


New Families/new students please contact the Faith Formation Office at 860-274-4123  for information on registering for fall classes.

 Families that were enrolled this school year will receive emails in mid June regarding registration.

New Student Form


Office Information for Holy Disciples Faith Formation

Phone:  860-274-4123 or 860-274-1955

Office Hours:

Monday and Wednesday - 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Tuesday and Thursday - 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Faith Formation Offices CLOSED FRIDAYS

Information on Faith Formation Classes for 2024-2025

Click here for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation Schedule

Click here for Student Community Service Form